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In 2002 a few guys met on an internship in Cozumel, Mexico. Selling t-shirts to tourists, that was the name of the game. They were so successful that when the internship was over, they decided to make some of their own shirts that portrayed what they were all about…and just some they thought were funny. Why the name “Offside”? Well, that guy that jumps offsides in football, or is called offsides in soccer or any other sport for that matter that has that offside rule has one thing in common. They’re pushing the limits. Ok, so they may get a penalty called on them or have some other undesireable result, but in the end, that guy..or girl is just going for it. That’s how we feel about life at Offside….sometimes you just gotta go for it. If you don’t you may regret it later.