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Verbatoria Talent Quotient
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Verbatoria Talent Quotient Listing
Verbatoria is a neuro-based assessment tool. 30-minutes simple tests with brain-waves recorded by a Brain Computer Interface that allows objective measurements of brain inborn specifics, if there is a strong analytical or creative mind, music or sport intelligence, leadership potential, attention and memory specifics.
Why is our business so stable and highly demanded?
Neurometry has helped many families to look into the kid's future, to know the kid better and to make a difficult road to success easier!
We provide our services on SaaS model: You sell, conduct initial tests, collects raw data, send it to our server, and receive the report in 5-15 minutes.
30% discount unconditional to secure your future
Children’s education is the most rapidly growing trend in franchising.
90% of parents at least once in their life seek advice from a specialist to determine strengths and weaknesses, choose a hobby club or direction of development, solve difficulties in mutual understanding with a child or spouse.
Benefit from Growing EduTech Market with Unique Service Offer In Your Region.
More than just a business, a smarter area with soul and meaning, with the potential to grow for years to come.
Support of experienced partners world-wide: we provide staff training, technical support with software and advise on lead generation using our website and online appointment system. We also generate reports once the raw data is uploaded to our servers.
Our franchisee-partners enjoy stable profit in 3 months average.