The Best International Business Opportunities and Franchise Directory The Best International Business Opportunities and Franchise Directory
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Showing 2188 - 2196 of 3047 results


AutoBOX Initial fee:    2000 BGNMonthly fee:    depending on the siteAdditional investment:    depending...

Aqua-Tots Swim School Holding, LLC

Aqua-Tots Swim School Holding, LLC Since 1991, Aqua-Tots has been the industry leader in swimming instruction....

Woofie's Pet Ventures, LLC

Woofie's Pet Ventures, LLC Woofie's is a professional pet sitting, dog walking and mobile pet...

Harrisons Solar Energy

Harrisons Solar Energy Harrisons Solar Energy, is one of the most successful franchise businesses...


Pasco PT. ANSENA Group Asia made a chocolate drink product that was...

HomeVestors of America

HomeVestors of America If you’ve considered real estate investing as a full-time or part-time...

Floor Coverings International

Floor Coverings International Floor Coverings International is the leader in the mobile flooring industry....

GrassRoots Tree and Turf Care

GrassRoots Tree and Turf Care AVAILABLE LOCATIONS:Single, multi-unit opportunities currently available in the United States. Excludes:...


MUAH About MUAH FranchiseSingle Unit Investment for MUAH FranchiseExpected Investment for Franchise:...