Whether it’s on a pizza, in a turkey sandwich, or melted in a pot, cheese is a food that’s amazingly popular and used in different kinds of cuisines around the world. So Cheesy offers a palatable food concept where cheese is the secret ingredient in the entire menu including drinks, desserts and more. It is a unique Food franchise using about 12+ kinds of cheese making the dishes even more delectable to the consumer.
The Menu Includes Fusion Dishes from India having cheese in it. Cheese Fries, Cheese Shakes, and a Unique Combination of Mexican & Italian Dishes, Mocktails, Ice Teas with Cheese, Cheese Desserts, Cheese Waffles, Cheese Sandwiches, Cheese Burgers/Rolls/Wraps. Surprisingly all these yummy exotic dishes are light on the consumers pockets. It has helped them emerge as one of most preferred brands in the food industry.
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