Koinlaundry.com under the legal entity PT. Maju Alfa Omega provides integrated and complete services with excellent service to customers with the concept of "We Serve Better for Laundry Business".
Koinlaundry.com presents more categories of quality and guaranteed quality laundry machine products, ranging from small-capacity machines to large-capacity machines. In addition to providing machines, we also provide training facilities, seminars, and laundry operational training. To make it easier for customers to choose, we also provide a variety of the most complete and best-in-class laundry business packages as a solution for those who want to open a laundry business easily and without a franchise and royalty fees so they can fully develop your laundry business. Koinlaundry.com has a Training Center with complete facilities as training center for laundry entrepreneurs who want to start and develop a laundry business, trained intensively by laundry coaches and trainers who are experts in their fields.
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