Your Machines Strategically Placed In Busy Salons And Spa’s And All You Do Is Collect Your Weekly Check, No Inventory, No Sales, No Cold Calling, No Hassle, Just Passive Income
The body contouring market is expected to grow to over $8 Billion dollars by 2022. We can offer treatments with no real downtime. Often patients go back to work the same day after treatment. This is permanent fat cell removal without surgery.
Many of our clients formerly owned vending routes and other inventory based businesses. With Beautifully Passive, we place these high end, desirable machines into popular salons and spas. Our unique approach allows you, the owner of the equipment to enjoy passive income without selling or even having to deal with customers. Your only customer is the salon or spa. You are protected in your earnings based on sales and usage of the machine. No worries about profit and loss statements or inventory. We cannot emphasize enough how wonderful it is to simply check your usage meter and collect your cash from the salon or spa owner. It’s that easy, no leases for space, no overhead, no payroll, no dealing with customers, no filling machines, no inventory, just collect your weekly check.
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