The Best International Business Opportunities and Franchise Directory The Best International Business Opportunities and Franchise Directory

New Zealand

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Showing 127 - 135 of 232 results

Landmark Homes

Landmark Homes Landmark Homes is recognised as an industry leader in top quality,...


DrainPro DrainPro specialise in residential new builds, tank installations and light commercial...

BiForm Solid Composite Decking

BiForm Solid Composite Decking BiForm Solid Composite Decking offers an environmentally friendly, low maintenance, alternative...

Rainaway Spouting on the Spot

Rainaway Spouting on the Spot A re-spouting service franchise for new and existing homes and commercial...

Central Landscape & Garden Supplies

Central Landscape & Garden Supplies Landscape and garden supply yards providing bulk and bagged products. Pick-up...

Laser Plumbing & Electrical

Laser Plumbing & Electrical Our multi-award winning Laser Electrical and Plumbing groups have experienced phenomenal...

Harrisons Solar Energy

Harrisons Solar Energy Harrisons Solar Energy, is one of the most successful franchise businesses...

Exceed Franchising

Exceed Franchising Multi-award winning Exceed specialising in fixing windows and doors, enhancing and...

ProGroup Franchise

ProGroup Franchise Franchise opportunities offering five property transformation brands. GroutPro (tile maintenance and...