The Best International Business Opportunities and Franchise Directory The Best International Business Opportunities and Franchise Directory
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Showing 397 - 405 of 2819 results

Archipelago International

Archipelago International Archipelago International is the largest hotel management and franchise company in...

EV World Hotel

EV World Hotel EV World Hotel is your premier choice for business or leisure...


FaveHotel Conceptualized by Archipelago International, the largest Hotel Management Company in Southeast...

Grid 9

Grid 9 GRID 9 is an award winning hotel that has emerged as...

Hwajing Travel

Hwajing Travel Hwajing Travel has been established since 1989 as the pioneer of...


Mayflower Mayflower is a travel service specialist in Malaysia, offering a diversified...

Hotel Seri Malaysia

Hotel Seri Malaysia Rangkaian Hotel Seri Malaysia Sdn Bhd was established in April 1994...

Reliance Travel Franchise

Reliance Travel Franchise The Reliance Travel Franchise is the first true-blue Malaysia homegrown travel...

Sri Sutra Travel

Sri Sutra Travel Sri Sutra Travel was first established in 1988 with only five...